A Prophet without Honor (Matthew 13:53-58) Message from Brandon Cooper. April 14, 2019. Category: Matthew 13: Secrets of the Kingdom Tags: Matthew https://cdn.cityviewcc.net/190414_BrandonCooper_AProphetWithoutHonor.mp3 The Parable of the Net (Matthew 13:47-52) Message from Kyle Bjerga. April 7, 2019. Category: Matthew 13: Secrets of the Kingdom Tags: Matthew https://cdn.cityviewcc.net/190407_KyleBjerga_TheParableOfTheNet-1-smaller.mp3 The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl (Matthew 13:44-46) Message from Brandon Cooper. March 31, 2019. Category: Matthew 13: Secrets of the Kingdom Tags: Matthew https://cdn.cityviewcc.net/190331_BrandonCooper_TheParablesOfTheHiddenTreasureandthePearl.mp3 The Parables of the Mustard Seed and Yeast (Matthew 13:31-35) Message from Kyle Bjerga. March 24, 2019. Category: Matthew 13: Secrets of the Kingdom Tags: Matthew https://cdn.cityviewcc.net/190324_KyleBjerga_TheParablesOfTheMustardSeedAndYeast.mp3 The Parable of the Weeds (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43) Message from Brandon Cooper. March 17, 2019. Category: Matthew 13: Secrets of the Kingdom Tags: Matthew https://cdn.cityviewcc.net/190317_BrandonCooper_TheParableOfTheWeeds.mp3 The Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23) Message from Brandon Cooper. March 10, 2019. Category: Matthew 13: Secrets of the Kingdom Tags: Matthew https://cdn.cityviewcc.net/190310_BrandonCooper_TheParableOfTheSower.mp3 Secrets of the Kingdom (Matthew 13:10-17) Message from Brandon Cooper. March 3, 2019. Category: Matthew 13: Secrets of the Kingdom Tags: Matthew https://cdn.cityviewcc.net/190303_BrandonCooper_SecretsOfTheKingdom.mp3