Mission Statement: To partner with and equip parents to be the primary disciple-makers of their children as they help them move from seeking Jesus to serving Jesus through the gospel.


We believe the Bible calls parents to be the primary disciplemakers of their children (Deut 6:69; Ps 78:48; Eph 6:4; 2 Tim 1:5, 3:15). We also realize that family dynamics, culture, age, life change, etc. can all have an effect on the way discipleship happens in the home. Therefore, we have provided what we feel is a helpful framework that can be used in all contexts as parents seek to disciple their children. There is a lot of flexibility within this framework that can help you tailor it to the needs and spiritual development of you and your children. It is our hope that if you focus on these 4 Cs (Consider, Create, Capture, and Celebrate) then you will be a much more effective disciplemaker of your children as you seek to help your children know, love, and serve Jesus.


We envision fathers and mothers living out the roles for which God created them, faithfully leading their families as they disciple their children, pray for and with them, and study the Word and worship together at home. To that end, we will equip parents to do this well, and encourage our God-given singles to participate actively in this through community living and relational disciple-making.

Create discipleship opportunities right into the everyday rhythm of life where your family can be grounded in the gospel. Families must worship together by reading Scripture, singing, and praying.

“A Christian home must be centered upon Christ, and if it is centered upon Christ, then it will be filled with worship.” – Jason Helopoulos


Consider your own life and how you are growing as a disciple of Jesus Christ. If we are calling our children to consider Jesus and give up everything to follow him, then they must see us doing the same.

“Train up a child in the way they should go but be sure you go that way yourself.” – C.H. Spurgeon

Capture those teachable moments that occur daily where gospel-centered conversations can take place. These are unplanned but can be the most impactful, formative, and remembered times for your child.

“You never know when God will give you an opportunity to imprint His values on your children.” – Dennis Rainey

Celebrate the work of God in the big life and spiritual milestones of your family. It is important they see the priority and excitement placed on the right things and know all the glory and praise are God’s.

“We transmit what we treasure. We pass on what we’re passionate about.” – Josh Patterson