Hope in the Time of Plague (Romans 8:18-25) Message from Brandon Cooper. April 5, 2020. Category: In the Time of Plague Tags: Romans https://cdn.cityviewcc.net/200405_BrandonCooper_Hopeinthetimeofplague.mp3 Love in the Time of Plague (Galatians 6:7-10) Message from Brandon Cooper. March 29, 2020. Category: In the Time of Plague Tags: Galatians https://cdn.cityviewcc.net/200329_BrandonCooper_Loveinthetimeofplague.mp3 Peace in the Time of Plague (Philippians 4:4-9) Message from Kyle Bjerga. March 22, 2020. Category: In the Time of Plague Tags: Philippians https://cdn.cityviewcc.net/200322_kylebjerga_peaceinthetimeofplague.mp3 Faith in the Time of Plague (Isaiah 26:1-6) Message from Brandon Cooper. March 15, 2020. Category: In the Time of Plague Tags: Colossians, Isaiah https://cdn.cityviewcc.net/200315_BrandonCooper_FaithInTheTimeOfPlague.mp3